The Benefits of Bariatric Surgery: How it can Improve Your Health and Quality of Life

The Benefits of Bariatric Surgery: How it can Improve Your Health and Quality of Life

Bariatric Surgery

Bariatric surgery, also known as weight loss surgery, is a type of surgery that helps people lose weight by reducing the size of the stomach or changing the way the body absorbs food. While bariatric surgery is not for everyone, it can be a life-changing procedure for people who are struggling with obesity and related health issues.

Benefits of Bariatric Surgery

Improved overall health

Bariatric surgery can improve or resolve many health issues associated with obesity, such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, sleep apnea, and joint pain. Weight loss can also decrease the risk of developing other conditions, including heart disease and stroke.

Better quality of life

Losing weight can improve your overall quality of life by increasing mobility, energy levels, and self-esteem. It can also lead to improvements in mental health, such as reduced anxiety and depression symptoms.

Also Read About: How do You Know if You Need a Nutritionist?

Long-term weight loss

Bariatric surgery can lead to long-term weight loss when combined with healthy lifestyle habits such as regular exercise and a balanced diet. Studies have shown that patients who undergo bariatric surgery can lose up to 60-80% of their excess weight and maintain the weight loss for several years.

Reduced healthcare costs

By improving or resolving obesity-related health issues, bariatric surgery can reduce the cost of healthcare in the long run. Studies have shown that bariatric surgery can lead to a significant decrease in healthcare costs over time.

If you’re considering bariatric surgery, it’s important to consult with a qualified bariatric doctor in Hyderabad. A skilled and experienced bariatric surgeon can help you determine if you’re a candidate for the procedure, discuss the risks and benefits, and recommend the best course of action for your individual needs. With the help of a top-rated bariatric doctor in Hyderabad, you can achieve significant weight loss and improve your overall health and quality of life.

How do You Know if You Need a Nutritionist?

How do You Know if You Need a Nutritionist?

Need a Nutritionist

What is a nutritionist? A nutritionist is a professional who specializes in providing advice on how to eat healthy and maintain a balanced diet. A professional Dietician in Hyderabad can help you make lifestyle changes that not only improve your physical health but also your mental health. But how do you know if it’s time for you to visit a nutritionist? Keep reading for some tips and signs that indicate it might be time to see one. 

Physical Signs That You Need a Nutritionist

The first sign that you may need to see a nutritionist is if you have any physical issues related to your diet. If you are feeling fatigued or have digestive problems such as constipation or acid reflux, these can be indications that something isn’t right with your current eating habits. Additionally, if you are losing or gaining weight without trying, this could also be an indication of an unhealthy diet. A nutritionist can help identify the cause and suggest dietary changes to correct any physical symptoms you may be experiencing.

Mental Signs That You Need a Nutritionist

Your mental health can also suffer from an unhealthy diet. If you are noticing changes in your mood, such as feeling anxious or irritable, these could be signs that something isn’t right with your diet. Additionally, low self-esteem or depression could also be linked to what and how much food you are consuming. If this is something you are dealing with, seeing a nutritionist may be just what you need to get back on track with healthier eating habits. 

Nutritionists Can Help with Long-Term Goals

If you have long-term goals when it comes to improving your overall health and wellness, then seeking the advice of a certified nutritionist may be beneficial for helping you achieve those goals. For example, if you want to lose weight in order to reduce the risk of developing certain diseases such as diabetes or heart disease, consulting with an expert dietitian in Hyderabad can help you put together an effective plan for reaching those goals safely and effectively over time.


Overall, there are many signs that could indicate it’s time for someone to seek out nutritional support from an experienced professional like a nutritionist. Whether its physical issues caused by an unhealthy diet or mental issues related to poor eating habits, seeing someone who specializes in dietary advice can help make lasting lifestyle changes that improve both physical and mental wellbeing over the long term. So, if any of these signs sound familiar and you think seeing someone might benefit your overall health and wellbeing, then consult with a qualified bariatric doctor in Hyderabad and nutrition expert today!

Why Advance Bariatric Clinic is the Best Choice for Weight Loss in Hyderabad

Why Advance Bariatric Clinic is the Best Choice for Weight Loss in Hyderabad

Weight Loss

Are you looking to lose weight and get on a healthier path? If so, it’s important to find a reliable weight-loss nutritionist that can provide you with the right advice and support. One of the best choices out there is the Advance Bariatric Clinic in Hyderabad. This clinic offers a comprehensive range of services designed to help you reach your goals safely and effectively. Let’s take a look at why Advance Bariatric Clinic is the best choice for weight loss in Hyderabad.

Expertise and Experience

The staff at Advance Bariatric Clinic is highly experienced when it comes to weight loss and dieting. All of their team members are trained nutritionists and dietician in Hyderabad who have years of experience working with individuals trying to lose weight. They understand how difficult it can be, which is why they strive to make sure their clients get all the support they need throughout the process.

Comprehensive Services 

The Advance Bariatric Center offers a comprehensive range of services for those looking to lose weight or improve their overall health. Services include everything from nutritional counseling and meal planning advice to exercise classes, cooking classes, and even lifestyle coaching sessions that can help you stay motivated while reaching your goals. They also offer medical consultations if needed, such as hormone tests or blood tests, as well as general health screening assessments.

Personalized Plans 

At Advance Bariatric Clinic, they understand that everyone is different when it comes to their health needs and goals. That’s why they work closely with each individual patient to create personalized plans based on their unique needs and preferences. They consider the patient’s current fitness level, age, gender, lifestyle habits, dietary preferences, medical history, and other factors to create a plan that is unique to them and will help them achieve their goals safely and effectively.


If you’re looking for a reliable weight loss centers in Hyderabad, then look no further than Advance Bariatric Clinic! Their team of experts has years of experience working with individuals trying to improve their health through dieting and exercise. Plus they offer a comprehensive range of services—from nutritional counseling to lifestyle coaching—to ensure that each individual gets the personalized care they need while reaching their goals safely and effectively. So don’t wait any longer—contact Advance Bariatric Clinic today!

How to Find the Right Dietitian for Your Needs in Hyderabad 

How to Find the Right Dietitian for Your Needs in Hyderabad 

How to Find the Right Dietitian for Your Needs in Hyderabad

One of the most important decisions you can make in order to live a healthy lifestyle is to find the right dietitian who can provide personalized nutrition advice. The right dietitian will be able to identify your health goals, develop a plan tailored to your needs, and help you stay on track. But with so many options in Hyderabad, how do you know which dietitian is right for you? Read on to find out! 

Research Your Options 

The first step in finding the right dietitian is to do some research. Look online for reviews of local dietitians in Hyderabad, read their websites and any other relevant materials they have available, and ask friends or family members if they know of anyone who specializes in nutrition. This research will help you narrow down your search and make sure that you choose someone who has been reviewed positively and has experience working with people like you. 

Consider Your Goals & Budget 

Once you have identified a few possible dietitians, it’s time to consider what kind of goals and budget you are looking for when hiring a professional. Do you want someone who specializes in weight loss? Are there any dietary restrictions that need to be taken into consideration? Does cost factor into this decision? It’s important to take all these factors into account when deciding which dietitian is best for your needs.  

Schedule an Initial Consultation 

Once you have narrowed down your list of potential dietitians, it’s time to schedule an initial consultation with each one. This is an opportunity for both parties to get a feel for how well they would work together and whether or not the dietitian’s approach aligns with your health goals. During this meeting, it’s important that both parties are honest about their expectations and commitments so that everyone is comfortable moving forward together.  

Consult Advanced Bariatric Clinic For Dietary Advice 

Finally, if you’re still feeling overwhelmed by the process of finding the right dietitian in Hyderabad, consider consulting Advanced Bariatric Clinic. Our team of experienced nutritionists is dedicated to helping individuals reach their health and weight loss goals through personalized dietary advice and meal plans tailored to each individual’s needs. With our guidance, you can be sure that you are making the right decisions for your health and well-being. 

Blood pressure and obesity: Are they related? Its adverse impacts and remedies

Blood pressure and obesity: Are they related? Its adverse impacts and remedies

Blood pressure and obesity

All people have blood pressure. Doctors recommend medication to control it when it is outside of normal levels since it can occasionally be a sign of heart disease.

Although blood thinners are recommended, the underlying problem of blood thickening, and fat, is hardly addressed.

So, it’s obvious that fat and daily stress contributes to high blood pressure, but nobody ever mentions the horrifyingly high levels’ root causes, which include acidic foods, processed foods, and chemicals.

Fats and salt, which thicken and restrict the arteries, are present in all animal products, including dairy. Eat more high-fiber foods, such as fruits, vegetables, whole grains, nuts, and seeds.

We frequently believe that we just add a small amount of salt to our food. But a larger part of the salt we consume actually comes from processed foods, which are heavy in salt.

Blood pressure is increased by both tea and coffee. Diabetes patients are more likely to have visceral fat, increasing their heart disease risk. Losing abdominal fat helps to stabilize blood pressure by relieving pressure on the heart.

Obesity increases the chance of developing the renal disease, essential hypertension, diabetes, and other illnesses, therefore it’s important to take any prescription medications seriously, monitor blood pressure levels, and incorporate nutrition and exercise into your daily routine for a healthier lifestyle.

Some obese people will have blood pressure readings below 140/90 mm Hg, the standard threshold for hypertension.

Water is the best beverage for maintaining healthy blood pressure because of this. Studies have indicated that adding minerals like calcium and magnesium to water will further help to lower blood pressure if you want to maximize the advantages. The American Heart Association claims that potassium reduces the effects of sodium and eases tension in the blood vessel walls. Consequently, consume foods high in potassium, such as avocado, cantaloupe, honeydew melon, fish, mushrooms, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, tuna, and beans.

Thus, we can say. BP and obesity are related.

The sixth most important determinant in the overall burden of disease in the world is excess body weight. The body mass index (BMI), which has been used to quantify obesity, is known to be biologically linked to hypertension and can be decreased through weight loss.

Body mass index (BMI) values over 30 are considered obese, which is a significant risk factor for high blood pressure. According to demographic research, obesity carries a risk of at least two-thirds of the prevalence of hypertension.

Obesity is typically defined by an increase in the quantity or size of fat cells in the body. It may be brought on by:

Your arteries are put under a lot of stress when you have excess body weight because your heart needs to work significantly harder to pump blood throughout your body. The blood pressure increases as a result of the increased arterial stress. Normal blood pressure is seen as being 120/80 mm Hg.

Obesity and Blood Pressure Effects on Kidney

Your kidneys experience stress from obesity, which ultimately increases the burden on your heart. The little blood vessels in your kidney are under additional pressure when you have high blood pressure and are overweight, which harms the organ. It becomes more difficult for your kidneys to filter your blood to remove waste and fluids when the walls of the vessels thicken. This reduces blood flow. Your heart needs to work significantly harder when your kidneys are unable to flush out extra fluid. As a result, the blood pressure keeps rising as this vicious cycle continues.

Treatment approach for obese adults with high blood pressure

By losing weight and other dietary and lifestyle changes, it is quite likely that blood pressure will be reversed or managed.

Dietary Modifications:

Obesity and its paradox discussion in various case studies

Obesity and its paradox discussion in various case studies

Obesity and its paradox discussion in various case studies

Over the past ten years, numerous research has suggested that adults over 50 who are slightly overweight have lower death rates. This seems illogical to the majority of us in the healthcare community and the general public.

Let’s look at some of the proof. Numerous studies, primarily meta-analyses, have suggested an unfavorable relationship between body weight and health. Overweight people with a BMI between 25 and 30 showed a 13% reduction in all causes of death and a 12% reduction in cardiovascular death in 40 cohort studies with just over 250,000 participants. Normal-weight people (BMI 20 to 25) and Grade 1 obese people both had the same death rates (BMI 30 to 35). However, after the BMI exceeded 35 in this trial, the chance of death increased by 88%.

When compared to those of normal weight and those with Grade 1 obesity, deaths among overweight adults were 6% lower, according to a very large meta-analysis of 2.9 million participants from 97 trials.

The advantages are much more obvious in hypertension individuals, who have a 23% decrease in death, heart attack, and stroke compared to overweight patients, and a remarkable 32% reduction in Grade 1 obesity and a 24% reduction in higher grades of obesity.

An additional Indian study that followed patients for seven years found that individuals with a BMI between 27.5 and 30 had a 41% lower death rate.

The majority of people who want to reduce weight are utterly unsuccessful, despite the fact that doctors constantly advise their patients to do so. Although I firmly believe that it is crucial for us to maintain healthy weights, it appears that a healthy weight before the age of 50 and over the age of 50 differs significantly.

It is much harder to keep the fat down once your hormones start acting up, whether you’re a man or a woman, as anyone over the age of 50 reading this post will fully understand. This is especially true for your belly fat. The statistics may have been distorted by the earlier deaths of obese patients with significant abdominal obesity and visceral fat as opposed to those with less dangerous lower body obesity. Interestingly, the average rise in visceral fat is 52% in the age range 35 to 45, compared to 7% for those between 55 and 65 and 11% for those above 65.

Do any of these arguments adequately explain this “obesity paradox”? What we refer to as reverse causality is the first and most obvious answer. It is a known truth that sicker individuals typically lose more weight than those with milder illnesses. Thus, weight reduction that results from a more serious condition rather than obesity is what is safeguarding people. Second, persons with existing illnesses including type II diabetes, cancer, osteoporosis, and cardiovascular disease who are underweight typically have a larger hereditary vulnerability to the condition. Could it be that a sickness that is more genetically based impacts the body more severely than a condition that is related to a particular lifestyle

Another explanation is that although smokers typically have more serious ailments, they also tend to be thinner than non-smokers.

This is a chronic inflammatory state that is connected to protein energy loss in the specific situation of chronic kidney disease. In this situation, there is a paradoxical link between established risk factors and cardiovascular illness, and weight reduction may be a sign of a more serious condition.

Additionally, waist size is a better indicator of abdominal fat than BMI, and it’s possible that people with higher BMIs have more muscle mass, which is perceived as being protective. There is also the possibility of being overweight but fit, which may result in enhanced cardiovascular and muscular strength.

I firmly believe that everyone should make an effort to maintain a healthy weight, but after the age of 50, you should strive for a BMI between 25 and 30, with a waist circumference of 90 to 95 for men and 75 to 80 for women. I recommend to all of my patients over the age of 50 to concentrate more on healthy eating, which is essential to eat less and more organically, and to maintain 3 to 5 hours of challenging activity each week, with two-thirds cardio and a third resistance training. Rather than worrying constantly about your weight, do this instead.




Weight loss surgery, often known as bariatric surgery, has the potential to transform a person’s life. There are frequently several indicators that someone might benefit from bariatric surgery.

Certified bariatric surgeon Dr. Siva Sankar Nunna practices at the Advanced Bariatric Clinic in Hyderabad. He takes great pride in using weight loss surgery to assist individuals to live better lifestyles. Dr. Siva Sankar Nunna explains five red flags that indicate your body and health are prepared for bariatric surgery in this article.


Patients with obesity may benefit from having bariatric surgery. Bariatric surgery comes in a variety of forms, such as gastric bypass, lap band, and gastric sleeve. You should discuss your surgical choices with your surgeon if you are a candidate for bariatric surgery. For indications that you might be a candidate for bariatric surgery, keep reading.


Most people believe that a person’s body mass index (BMI) is an accurate predictor of how obese they are. Using a person’s height and weight, the BMI is computed. Obesity is classified as a weight status with a BMI of 30 or higher. If a person has a BMI of 40 or higher, they may be extremely obese. A person may be ready for bariatric surgery if their BMI is one of several cautionary signals.


If a patient has a serious medical condition in addition to a reduced BMI, they may also be a candidate for bariatric surgery. Have you reached a BMI of 30 or more? Do you have type 2 diabetes, sleep problems, high blood pressure, or any other recurring medical issues? If the answer to both questions was “yes,” you might be ready for bariatric surgery if that is the case.

3. Other weight loss strategies haven't worked.

Conventional weight loss procedures don’t work for everyone. You might be a candidate for bariatric surgery if you have a history of trying to lose weight unsuccessfully through dietary modifications or prescription drugs.


Bariatric surgery is not a miracle cure for obesity. Patients still need to make substantial lifestyle adjustments. You could be ready for bariatric surgery if you are exhibiting any of the above red flags and are willing to make significant lifestyle adjustments.

5. You have discussed bariatric surgery with your doctors.

You should consult with other doctors as well before having bariatric surgery in addition to your surgeon. Additionally, if you are being treated by any other medical professionals, you should speak with them. Perhaps you should consult a dietitian and a mental health expert as well.

Read more : The Benefits of Bariatric Surgery: How it can Improve Your Health and Quality of Life

Speak with Dr. Siva Sankar Nunna about Bariatric surgery.

If you recognize any of the above red flags, bariatric surgery might be beneficial for you. Call 7674827032 to speak with Dr. Siva Sankar Nunna at about weight reduction surgery and how it might improve your body and health.

Best PCOS Nutrition & Weight Loss Guidelines

Best PCOS Nutrition & Weight Loss Guidelines

Best PCOS Nutrition & Weight Loss Guidelines

PCOS is a hormonal imbalance in women that causes irregular menstruation, problems with fertility, and ovarian cysts. One in ten women globally are impacted. It is a complicated disorder in which the ovaries create too much testosterone and other androgens (male hormones).

Normally, these hormones are only found in low amounts in females, but their levels are alarmingly high in PCOSPCOS, their levels are alarmingly high.

One of the perplexing aspects of PCOS is that weight gain can both cause and be caused by it. The ideal diet for PCOS weight loss must also be found if the condition is to be managed.

PCOS Symptoms

The following are typical signs of this condition: irregular periods; lack of ovulation; obesity/weight gain; acne; hirsutism; and loss of hair on the scalp.

1. Low GI foods, like oatmeal and whole grains, are low and slow carbs.

The ideal diet for PCOS weight loss focuses and aids in the reduction of inflammation.

(The body’defensece mechanism, inflammation, flares up when it senses something is wrong.)

On the one hand, inflammation helps your body defend itself against infection and injury, but it may also be harmful. An ongoing or chronic state of inflammation can result in weight gain and disease.

2. Omega 3 Fatty Acids

Omega 3 fatty acids are necessary for developing and maintaining a healthy body; since the body cannot produce them, we must get them from the foods we eat.

Omega-3 fatty acids are a superfood and a blessing for PCOS-afflicted women since they increase fertility, manage hirsutism or excessive facial hair growth, balance insulin sensitivity, and regulate hormones.

Omega-3 fatty acids are a crucial component of the ideal diet for PCOS weight loss.

Walnuts, flax seeds, chia seeds, and avocados are a few examples of plant sources where you can find them. If you’re not a vegetarian, you can take supplements or choose fatty seafood like mackerel, sardines, and salmon.

Read more : Why Advance Bariatric Clinic is the Best Choice for Weight Loss in Hyderabad

3. Vitamin B

Vitamin B is a crucial nutrient that aids in the body’s detoxification process. The liver processes and metabolizes hormones, toxins, and other substances. Vitamin B aids the liver in doing this task.

4. Zinc

If you want to design the optimal diet for PCOS weight loss for yourself, zinc is a necessity. help control fertility and the menstrual cycle.

It aids in treating PCOS symptoms like acne, weight gain, and irregular ovulation.

Additionally, it lessens the side effects of excess testosterone, such as hirsutism and hair loss.

You can take zinc nitrate, zinc gluconate, zinc sulfate, zinc citrate, or zinc monomethine as a supplement if your zinc levels are low. (Avoid zinc oxide and zinc picolinate, which the body does not absorb efficiently.)

Bajra, amaranth or rajgira, pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, cashews, almonds, and whole grains are some of the best natural sources of zinc.

5. Dairy

The optimal diet for PCOS weight loss may be dairy-free.

The explanation is that the hormones in milk, especially if you drink low-fat, skimmed, or toned milk, tend to raise insulin and androgen levels. Reduce your intake of dairy totally if you have high levels of endogens and testosterone.

If you must consume dairy because of where you live, choose A2 cow milk instead of bottled milk.

6. Coffee

Our lives now revolve mostly around caffeine. It provides us a boost, awakens us, and improves our focus (or so we feel). However, consuming too much coffee, particularly while you’re under stress, can exacerbate your PCOS symptoms.

Choose from chamomile tea, green tea, or matcha.

You can even use them to manage anxiety and stabilize sleep patterns, but no more than two cups each day. The optimal diet for PCOS weight loss typically contains little to no caffeine.

7. Fat There are two types of fat: good fats and bad fats.

The healthiest types of fat are monounsaturated and polyunsaturated, while trans and saturated fats should be avoided. While unhealthy fats increase your bad cholesterol levels, healthy fats lower your levels of “bad” (LDL) cholesterol and increase your levels of “good” (HDL) cholesterol. Unhealthy fats may exacerbate PCOS.

With our PCOS diet plans, you can find a long-term solution if you’re trying to reverse your PCOS and lose the weight you’ve put on as a result.

Our PCOS and PCOD management program aids in the reversal of the illness through dietary and lifestyle changes.

By recommending a diet that will increase the effectiveness of your existing medicine in addition to helping you lose weight, we get to the bottom of the issue and assist in balancing your endocrine system.

We make an attempt to research your main PCOS issues, and the foods that cause them and come up with a treatment plan.

For the best PCOS weight reduction diet, contact us.